Is your Website working for you?
Or are you working for your website?
If you feel your website should be doing more, read on.
If you invested a small fortune or hours of your time building your business web site. But, are you still waiting for the leads or sales to roll in.
If you have been waiting weeks, months or even years for your site to produce business.
Then you need to make some changes. I am afraid your site will never work. The way you need it too.
It all starts with your Home Page.
Your potential clients and customers may be finding your site. But they still do not contact you. This is because your home page isn’t doing its job.
Your site is not saying to visitors. We have what you want. Contact us or phone us.
Imagine your fishing.
Your prospects are having a nibble but they are not getting hooked. You need to persuade them to take some kind of action like clicking a link or leaving their email or telephone number. We need to display a sharper hook so you can start to reel them in.
So what’s going wrong?
It could be a design issue. Your web designer may be a very good designer he or she may even be the best in your area, but do they really know how to hook your visitors and convert them into paying customers.
Or it could be down to your message, it is a fact people do not read heavy copy on web pages. They prefer watching videos or listening.
Visitors don’t really like reading about you. They want to know what you can do for them. Your message needs to be about them. Visitors want to know what the benefit is for themselves what is the visitor getting out of the deal?
So what can you do about it?
You could ignore it. There are potential customers and clients searching for your products and services. If they skip past you have lost them. Ypur website is simply not working
How can you fix it?
Send us your web link using the form below. We we will take a quick look at your home page. Then we will suggest a few changes. If you like our ideas you can hire us. WE can start to work together and build your business.
If you don’t like my ideas well nothing lost.
You will just have to put up with working for your website.
Instead of your website. Working for you.